
The Curtis Cup

curtis cupInstituted in 1932, the Curtis Cup is a biennial amateur team championship between ladies of the United States and ladies from Great Britain and Ireland. After several years of informal team championships, sisters Margaret and Harriot Curtis donated a trophy to "stimulate friendly rivalry between the women golfers of many lands" thus giving the event an official standing. Both were former winners of the US Amateur Championship.

Teams consist of six players, two substitutes and a captain. The format is six foursomes and twelve singles matches with matchplay being the scoring system. The European team is selected by the Ladies Golf Union of Great Britain while the USGA selects the American one.

The US overwhelmingly dominated the event until the mid-eighties, winning 19 out of 23 times. In recent times, the Curtis Cup has been keenly contested with both sides evenly matched. Great Britain and Ireland won three out four meetings between 1986 and 1992.
