
Golf in Denmark

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Golf and Tourism in Denmark

Golf in Denmark is not a major sport. While it is continually growing in popularity it is not on a scale with other European countries. We would therefore not recommend visiting Denmark purely for golf. However the country has a lot to offer the tourist and it is possible to combine golf with the country's other and perhaps more interesting attractions.

Some basic tourist information about Denmark is as follows. The capital of Denmark is Copenhagen, which is in the east of the country in the Zealand region. Other larges cities are Odense and Aiborg - see map. Denmark has a population of approximately 5 million (similar to Ireland). Languages widely understood are Danish, German and English. The Danes enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the European Community (but do not enjoy the high level of taxation).

The climate is similar to that in the British Isles, that is, rainfall throughout the year, warm rather than hot summers but slightly colder winters. One should dress accordingly.

Danes are typically relaxed ; they would not be as formal as the Germans nor as informal as the Italians. They are proud of their heritage and indeed once ruled over Norway and Sweden. To this day, Denmark controls Greenland and the Faeroe Islands. Bornholm Island lies to the east of Copenhagen in the middle of the Baltic Sea.

The currency is the Danish Krone. Bank and shop are typical of those elsewhere in Europe. The fishing industry is one of the world's largest. Denmark also exports a lot of raw materials such as granite and chalk. Denmark's most famous export is probably Lego; the home of which is Billund in central Jutland. Denmark is also famous for Hans Christian Andersen.

Golf Clubs in Denmark

Regions of Denmark Golf Clubs

Bornholm Island

Bornholm Golf Club
Nexo Golf Club
Nordbornholm Golf Club

Fano Island

Fano GoIf Links


Faborg Golf Club
Lillebaelt Golf Club
Odense Golf Club
Odense Eventyr Golf Club
Skt Knuds Golf Club
Svendborg Golf Club
Vestfyns Golf Club


Aarhus Golf Club
Blokhus Klit Golf Club
Breinholtgard Golf Club
Dejbjerg Golf Club
Ebeltoft Golf Club
Esbjerg Golf Club
Grend Golf Club
Gyttegard Golf Club
Haderslev Golf Club
Henne Golf Club
Herning Golf Club
Hjarbaek Fjord Golf Club
Holmsland Klit Golf Club
Holstebro Golf Club
Horsens Golf Club
Juelsminde Golf Club
Kaj Lykke Golf Club
Kalo Golf Club
Kolding Golf Club
Lemvig Golf Club
Nordvestjysk Golf Club
Odder Golf Club
Randers Golf Club
Ribe Golf Club
Royal Oak Golf Club
Silkeborg Golf Club
Skanderborg Golf Club
Skive Golf Club
Sonderjyllands Golf Club
Varde Golf Club
Vejle Golf Club
Viborg Golf Club


Aalborg Golf Club
Asserbo Golf Club
Bronderslev Golf Club
Copenhagen Golf Club
Dragor Golf Club
Frederikssund Golf Club
Fureso Golf Club
Gilleleje Golf Club
Han Herreds Golf Club
Helsingor Golf Club
Hillerod Golf Club
Himmerland Golf and Country Club
Hjorring Golf Club
Holbaek Golf Club
Hvide Klit Golf Club
Kalundborg Golf Club
Koge Golf Club
Kokkedal Golf Club
Korsor Golf Club
Lokken Golf Club
Molleaens Golf Club
Odsherred Golf Club
Rold Skov Golf Club
Roskilde Golf Club
Rungsted Golf Club
Saeby Golf Club
Simon's Golf Club
Skjoldenaesholm Golf Club
Skovlunde Herlev Golf Club
Sollerod Golf Club
Soro Golf Club
Sydsjaellands Golf Club
Vallensbaek Golf Club
