
Belmullet Golf Club
Reviews for the Belmullet course are listed on this page
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This is one of, if not the very finest, of the Golf Courses of Ireland. Indeed on the right clear and bright day its as good as is in Europe. The back drop views are astounding and the course layout is a tribute to nature and Mr Eddie Hackett, who teased greens and fairways out of an astounding landscape. Captain Mr P.J Carey and the entire staff keep this facility in perfect order and the course has matured brilliantly since I played there two years ago. No one could come near to describing this course - one just has to play it. What a joy to find one of Irelands best kept golf secrets, beautiful scenery, warm welcome and fantastic food and drink to finish a marvellous day. Admittedly, we played in near perfect September 2001 conditions but none of my group from London could fault it in any way - in fact we voted it No 1 unanimously. Can't wait to get back!
Tom Beisty (tom.beisty@virgin.net) 10/01

Carne Golf Links is an absolutely beautiful golf links and is a truly magnificent test of golfing skills. My choice of holes is the (8th) with a huge two tiered green in an amphitheatre like surrounding. On the back nine I would select the (15th) as my favourite golfing hole and an accurate drive required to set up any chance of reaching the green in two. There are wonderful views of the Atlantic as you play the (13th) par 5, and the tricky par 3 (14th.) You are always made very welcome at Belmullet, which has a beautiful clubhouse and an excellent food, and service, which compliments a round of golf there.
M Callagy (mcallagy@eircom.net) 01/01

We played Belmullet on a wonderful day in late September. It was sweater weather and we were one of about four groups on the course in the afternoon. I've heard the Carne course described in a golf book as 'Ballybunion on Steroids' and after playing I would agree.

While the course is not yet mature and the greens were being top-dressed on the front nine we had a wonderful day. Walking through huge dunes. It is a venue like no other I've played in Ireland although the 9th and 10th holes at Inniscrone reminded me of all of Carne. Everyone I met travelling in the West said wait until you see Carne and they were right. Stay and play two times. The greens and the way they are laid out are almost unlike any I've ever played on. It seems as if no land was moved or levelled to create this wonderful course. September was my fourth golf trip to Ireland and I could stay for a week at Carne and play it all day every day.
People in the area a very friendly and I highly recommend staying at the Kemar House, which was excellent.
Jim Mattimore (mattimore@rcn.com) 01/01

This is a special golf course that has some room to improve. We played in September 2000 on a perfect day. If you're walking, it's a helluva workout as many of the tees (especially back nine) are on very high sand dunes. The locale is beautiful and superb and, due to its remoteness, it wasn't hard to get a tee time.

The conditions need some improvement (I didn't care but some of my pals were critical of the fairway grass or lack of it). For an American in search of an Irish links experience (and if you haven't scheduled a tee time at Ballybunion or Lahinch six months in advance), this is a must play course (if you can get there).
Brian McGraw, Cleveland, Ohio (BMCGRAW@GSFN.COM)09/00

Carne Golf Links has the potential to become one of the best courses in Ireland. It is routed through a great piece of links land, with towering dunes lining many fairways, and great green locations, many well elevated in the sand hills. The surroundings are equally dramatic, against the water with the Nepnin Beg Mountains always in the background. The finishing holes are tremendous, with #18 being as good a five par as there is if Carne is to be ranked among the top courses in Ireland, the greens must improve greatly, still it is great fun!
JP McGuinn (jmc@icdc.com)09/00

The back nine holes are as challenging as you will find, I played the course in 1999 and I am going back in September 2000. This course must be one of Irelands finest 'Hidden gems'.
(DrFagey@aol.com) 8/00

God bless the designer, the late Eddie Hackett, for one of the rare, primal golf courses on the planet. Surrender any notions of control, and predictable shotmaking and discover new repertoires of shotmaking and understanding at the edge of the Atlantic. I hesitate to even speak in any grandiose manner for fear of attracting too many others to a unique, unspoiled, links adventure.

Enjoy the scent of turf in the air! Enjoy your Guinness in as tranquil a setting as will ever exist again......
Paul Westland hdcp.13 (westlandrpj@monad.net) 02/00

Excellent stuff. Set in the middle of nowhere, it is a true test. I played it in what almost seemed like gale force winds, but the locals tell me that is usual. There are some stunning holes and very intimidating drives. The only slight negative is that the Greens were only OK. Get them improved and you have one of the worlds best.
James Allen h'cap 15(James.allen@bxl.dg5.cec.be) 10/99
