
Broomieknowe Golf Club
36 Golf Course Riiad,
Bonnyrigg, Midlothian EH19 2HZ
Tel : +44(0) 131 663 9317 Fax : +44(0) 131 663 2152

Broomieknowe has a comfortable and informal lounge where visitors can enjoy great food and a wide selection of Beers. There is also members and ladies lounges. The pro-shop offers tuition, golfing equipment and clothing plus a grip and stud replacement service.

10 km southeast of Edinburgh

Further Information
For more information on Broomieknowe Golf Club see ds.dia l.pipex.com/gogs/bgc/

Course Details

Course Name: Broomieknowe Holes: 18 Yardage: 6200 SSS: 70
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