
St Boswells Golf Club
Nr Melrose, Roxburghshire TD6 0DE
Tel : +44 (0)1835 823527
E-mail: secretary@stboswellsgolfclub.co.uk
Url: stboswellsgolfclub.co.uk

St Boswells golf club was formed in 1899 and was formally opened by the Earl of Dalkeith MP- grandfather of the present Duke of Buccleuch - who was presented with a silver mounted 'cleek' to mark the occasion.

The course is situated close to the village of St Boswells along the south bank of the River Tweed, one of the longest fish rivers (100 miles) in the British Isles and has many species. Of fish an most renowned for its salmon fishing. On the opposite side of the river is the Dryburgh Abbey founded in 1150. This is the burial place of Sir Walter Scott whose home was at Abbottsford on the west side of the Eildon Hills, and also Field Marshall Earl Haig whose nearby home of Bemersyde was gifted to the nation following World War 1.

One of the many attractions of the course is its most scenic and peaceful setting, the only sounds coming form the running waters of the Tweed with accompanying bird songs.

The course is located in the centre of the Scottish borders, and is readily accessible only a short distance from Trunk Route A68.

Further Information
Information herein provided by the club 18 Feb 1999.

Course Details

Course Name: St Boswells Holes: 9 Yardage: 5250 SSS: 66
The original course was laid out by William Park, Musselburgh Open Golf Champion, who wrote in his brief 'the turf is very good and resembles very much the turf to be found on seaside courses'.

The only hiccup in the Club's history took place in 1948 when the river Tweed rose some 1 feet above normal level, once in a century flood, and so much damage was done that the Club was forced to close down. Ten years later the Club was reformed on a temporary lease and was redesigned by John Slade, Duddingston. Play resumed in 1958 and through strenuous efforts by a few members an with financial support from the local community the Club flourished. The fortunes of the Club changed dramatically in 1979 when the course was purchased out right and a few years later in 1985 a new clubhouse was built. Unlike other Border courses the terrain is flat and presents few difficulties other than the River Tweed, which is defined as a 'lateral water hazard'. It is a delightful holiday course with a SSS of 66.

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