
Odder Golf Club
Aakjaervej 200
8300 Odder, Denmark
Tel : +45 8654 5451 Fax :

Odder Golf Club was established: August, 14. 1993 and has 800 active members. It is a small club with a cosy and intimate atmosphere and a tidy and well kept course.

Odder Parkhotel, Torvald Koehlsvej 25, 8300 Odder. Phone +45 8654 4744

From Odder westbound towards Skanderborg through the alley, follow the roadsigns.
For more information on Odder Golf Club see www.od dergolf.dk

Course Details

Course Name: Odder Holes: 18 Yardage: SSS: 70
Surrounded by woods in a pleasant and varied and ondulated landscape: Hole no. 5 is a 388 m par 4 which requires exact course management. This 18 hole course has, 6 par 3, 8 par 4 and 4 par five holes.
Yellow tee: 5516 m; SSS Yellow tee: CR 70 / Slope 123.
Red tee: 4723 m. SSS Red tee: CR 70 / Slope 118.
press here for Golfer Reviews of the Odder Course
